Reawakening the Spirit
“My studies in astrology are fascinating...I have come to the firm conclusion that at the moment of birth an individual takes on the characteristic state of the Universe for that moment in time.
When we open to right relationship with ourselves and our very own unique cosmic blueprint, our life flows with the laws of resonance and Nature. Our personal environments and life experiences are a reflection of the choices we make on a daily basis. As within, so without. The law of attraction determines what we draw into our lives. The restoration of our health, well being and personal landscapes is key to transformation during these times of extreme upheaval and chaos. There is an amazingly intelligent and abundant healing power on this planet and within our own bodies that is always guiding us to align with our heart and our soul's highest truth and purpose. Inspiration and infinite possibilities return to a person aligned with their cosmic blueprint.
“The path isn’t a straight line it’s a spiral. You continually come back to things you thought you understood and see deeper truths.”
Photography by Clarissa Harison/Awen Environments
(except where noted)
The green kingdom
Within Nature we can find many of the answers we seek when we take time to slow down. As we contemplate and communicate with all life around us and honor its sacredness, we heal ourselves. The plants will follow us (or we them) to offer their healing gifts. The trees and plants purify our air and soil, but they also offer natural medicines to heal our bodies.
When we listen to our heart and reconnect with our own inner sense of health and well being, our landscape is enlivened. We are living conduits of the energy of this planet. By getting to know our personal landscape (and what is screaming at us) we begin to heal our bodies and our souls and affect the world around us (Red Beech at Sonnenberg Gardens, Canandaigua, NY).
Each person was born with a unique planetary configuration at the time of their birth that governs their life path. Understanding your astrological chart and the strengths and challenges that it presents is key to navigating these times of planetary upheaval. It can be like opening the door to renewed health, optimism and manifesting your dreams. When you work in alignment with your astrological blueprint, things begin to fall into place and opportunities present themselves in unexpected ways (Sacred Door, Lima, Peru).
animal guides
Animals often act as guides on our life journey, leading us on a path of self discovery and wisdom. Each have a personal message to teach us about ourselves, as we recognize our own strengths and weaknesses within them. Often their illnesses are linked to our own inner struggles and emotional conflict.
The more we connect with those who share our environment, the greater guidance we receive. Whether wild or domestic, animals can be a great source of teaching and inspiration if we pay attention to what they are telling us (Keyna, the one who would have been left behind. See Photo Gallery for story).
nature grid
Fungi are Nature's recyclers. They also offer healing medicines and hold information from the trees, animals and the water where they are found. They act as networks of communication within the realm of Nature creating balance on the land in a way only they know how. Fungi offer solutions to many of the problems that ail this planet.
Medicinal mushrooms can heal you just as they heal the soil. They have been part of my healing story as I have overcome my fears of working with them and healed my body from stress. They are directly connected to the natural energetic grid which surrounds our Earth, an equivalent to man's web of technology (Amanita Muscaria shown above is non-edible).