“When you dream a new world, your co-creator is the universe, the creative force that causes trees to grow from seedlings and galaxies to grow from stardust.
~ Alberto Villoldo
Reawakening the Heart
Weaving a New Dream of Wholeness
Would you like to move past the patterns in your life? Do you find yourself having dreams that you don't know how to interpret? Do you understand the history of your family and your ancestors, as well as how it is affecting your own life? Would you like to learn how to heal yourself, your home and your landscape?
In this 5 week course we will:
Set an intention for healing your life
Review your dreams and create a system for understanding them
Look at the patterns in your life that keep repeating
Learn why the experiences of your parents is relevant to your own life and how to create an altar to honor them, your ancestors, and also heal the past
Discuss simple ways to clear your home of unwanted energies to nurture and support your well being
Learn how to bring ceremony and ritual into your daily life
Discuss how your health may be affected by your ancestry, as well as your environment, and what your can do about it
Learn the basics of how to heal your landscape
This course will help you develop tools for weaving a path toward wholeness and healing the heart. Learn how to embrace your circumstances, as well as recognize the symbolism that is all around you giving you guidance in your dreams and waking life. Course will be held Thursdays, beginning October 19 from 6-8:00 ending November 16th, 2017. Registration is closed.
Bougainvillea at the Door, Nazca, Peru
"Introduction to Dream Interpretation: Finding the Guidance Within"
Hidden within your dreams and revealed in your daily life, are the signposts and symbols guiding you to a more authentic way of living. Your higher self and the realm of Spirit is always showing you your highest path via your dreams and waking life.
Find out how to interpret the signs, create a system to track your dreams and encourage dream clarity and guidance as an integral part of your life. Enjoy the insights of other participants in a supportive and inspiring environment to help you identify and overcome patterns held within your ancestral memories, awaken your authentic self and empower your life.
This workshop is designed to assist students in discovering their own truths, develop inner guidance skills and empower one's own path in life. Emphasis is placed on self revelation using the spiritual guidance found within our dreams and the natural world.
Classes will be held Mondays beginning March 27, 2017 from 6-8pm ending April 17, 2017 and will be held at a private residence in Lancaster, NY. Registration is closed.
Instructor: Clarissa Harison
Fox Mural Lima, Peru
"Introduction to Dream Interpretation: Finding the Guidance Within"
The answers you seek lie within your subconscious, hidden in your dreams and revealed in your daily life. Find out how to interpret the signs, create a system to track your dreams and encourage dream clarity and guidance as an integral part of your life. Enjoy the support of other participants in a sacred, nurturing environment to help you identify and overcome patterns held within your ancestral lines, awaken your authentic self and empower your life.
This workshop is designed to assist students in discovering their own truths, develop spirit allies and empower their path in life. Emphasis is placed on a path of self revelation using the spiritual guidance found within our dreams and the natural world.
Classes will be held Sundays beginning February 26th from 2-4 pm ending March 19, 2017 at The Body Glyphix Studio, 12377 Big Tree Road, Wales Center, NY. Registration is closed.
Instructor: Clarissa Harison
Outdoor Cathedral at Linwood Gardens, Pavilion, NY
"The Art of Shamanic Journeying: Living in Alignment with your Heart"
The path of spirit is a heart centered approach to living in alignment with one's self and the universe. Shamanic journeying is a path of direct revelation which is available to us at all times. It is a meditational tool that enables us to access the world of spirit and our own inner guidance. Many cultures throughout history have used this ancient spiritual practice typically accompanied by drumming or rattling to induce a calm and relaxed state.
Shamanic journeying helps to guide us and interpret the path that lies before us. By tuning in to our higher self, life begins to flow enabling us to fulfill a destiny that is uniquely our own. Once you begin journeying, guidance can be found all around in the symbolism, people and places that you encounter on a daily basis as spirit begins revealing itself in many ways.
Learn how to create an altar and restore ritual to your life, as well as retrieve your own personal spirit animal and journey for guidance on a variety of life's questions. This workshop is designed to restore the sacred to life by assisting you in discovering your own truths, develop spirit allies and regain your power in life. Emphasis is placed on a path of self revelation using the spiritual guidance found from shamanic journeying, as well as messages received via the natural world.
Classes will be held Mondays beginning April 24, 2017 from 6-8 pm ending May 15, 2017 and will be held in a private residence in Lancaster, NY. Registration is closed.
Instructor: Clarissa Harison
““The first step is to change our behavior toward ourselves and to the rest of life on this planet. The next step is to find the doorway through our hearts. Once we pass through, who knows what is possible?”
~ Sandra Ingerman”
All photos and information presented on this site is copyrighted by Clarissa Harison and Awen Environments, all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted. Prices and information are subject to change without notice. Do not duplicate without express written permission of Clarissa Harison.